Petsies Media Mentions & Features

We've been so humbled by the love and recognition that we've gotten over the years. Our products were all created with the purpose of spreading joy throughout the world. When someone loves what we do enough to talk about us to their followers and fans, whether they are an up-and-coming blogger or huge publisher, it's one of the best feelings in the world. It shows that other people want to spread joy too! 

petsies reviews and media

"How AMAZING is this product? Petsies does an impeccable job creating a mini stuffed animal version of your pet. Perfect for someone who is separated from their fave buddy or for a pet that would simply enjoy having a toy that looks just like them, this company can create literally any pet you want (cat, dog, guinea pig, whatever)! All you have to do is take a few photos of your furry friend (as if you don't already have 1,000 on your phone), submit 'em, and wait for their doppelganger to arrive at your doorstep.

-Buzzfeed (Pet Obsessed Gifts & Cutest Dog Products)

Together we will continue to spread joy, celebrate uniqueness, and help create special moments for people all over the world!