Petsies Figurines Order Form

Estimated Delivery: 7+ Weeks

Holiday Deadlines: US: 11/6 (With Holiday Rush Production); International: 10/22.

Please Note: If you have two pets in a photo, you must place a unique Petsies Figurines order for each pet.

Step 1

We recommend 3 photos from different angles. Please try to show your pet's special markings.
You may provide up to 3 photos
Read our photo tips:
  • Provide a clear photo of the face
  • Please include a photo of the full body
  • Side and back views are also encouraged

Step 2

  • Black
  • Grey
  • White
  • Dark Brown
  • Light Brown
  • Beige
  • Rust
  • Golden Brown
  • Cream

Step 3

Make your Plush even more special with these common add-ons

Step 4

Sometimes our team has questions about your design

I agree to Terms of Service , Privacy Policy , and Refund Policy . I understand that Petsies happily takes care of all tears, defects, and shipping damage with either a refund or a repair. I also understand that my custom Petsies order is backed by the Petsies Guarantee.